14 Most Expensive Military Operations Since 2000

#10 of 14

2011: Operation Odyssey Dawn (Libya)

A few years ago, Libya, that “African but Middle Eastern in spirit” bastion of lunacy under Muammar Gaddafi for so many years, started to come apart at the seams politically during the Libyan Civil War between factions loyal to and organized against Gaddafi’s continued rule. As the war threatened to spiral out of control (and as Gaddafi supporters threatened vengeance against pretty much everyone), the United Nations Security Council drew up a resolution to enforce a “No-Fly Zone” for government forces trying to attack the revolutionaries. This was implemented on March 19, 2011, when French, U.K, and U.S. forces launched air sorties from fighter jets, then lobbed over 100 Tomahawk cruise missiles into the zone from submarines and surface ships. By the end of the month, the U.N. coalition had achieved its aim (pun very much intended). U.S. troop involvement alone amounted to: the 26th Marine Expeditionary Unit (2,400 Marines), The U.S.S Mount Whitney (400 personnel), two amphibious assault ships with over 1,600 sailors and soldiers, multiple other Navy surface vessels, three nuclear submarines, and over 75 bombers, fighters, and attack helicopters from the Air Force and Marines.

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